Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Helping out in the community

We are VERY excited to be helping out in the Dryden community by hosting several fundraisers here at the TC.  If you have not visited with us in a while – stop by and say hello – see what’s new – and experience how the new owners are committed to working with the community.

The new approach began in September when Norm and Tina took over the daily management of the Trans Canada Motel and Restaurant in the City of Dryden. Returning to Tina’s home town was exciting and we managed to connect with many old friends and acquaintances at the TC and around town.

Norm and Tina Present a cheque to Andrew
Skene of the Dryden Regional Health Services
Foundation for $254 raised at the TC for
the Ultra Sound Campaign. 
In November, we connected with the Dryden Regional Heath Services Foundation and hosted a Donate-A-Dollar-With-Dinner campaign. Our guests jumped to the pump and we contributed a dollar for each of their donations. Together, we raised over $250 for the Ultra Sound campaign.

The Children's Delight Series is a children's entertainment volunteer group that presents four shows at the New Prospect school throughout the year for young people. We were pleased to be able to support this group and assist them in engaging local kids in the arts.

Hockey has always been a passion for our son Derek, who joined us on this new adventure as a restaurateur. As a Dryden Ice Dogs corporate sponsor, we are able to assist with keeping high caliber hockey alive in this vibrant community. In January, we were able to attend a game and witnessed first hand the Ice Dogs victory in a shootout following a period of overtime - EXCITING hockey action!

In December, we started thinking about the fast approaching coming year, and how we could profile the city and surrounding area. We discovered a local photographer, Garth Gillis, who graciously agreed to the use of his work in our 2011 calendar - pick one up at the TC if you have not already done so! It features some great photography by Garth of the local area surrounding our community. The calendars are for sale at $2 each with the proceeds being donated to the Hoshizaki House, a Dryden Woman's Crisis Center.

The Dryden community is an all-season destination. Although people primarily visit us in the summer months for fishing, or the fall for hunting, the community boasts wonderful trails for walking, snow machining, snow shoeing and skiing. We have partnered with the Dryden Ski Club to offer discounted stays when you buy a lift ticket, or discounted lift tickets when you stay with us. Call for details!

In early January, following a busy Christmas break where we were busy painting and sprucing up the place, we connected with Lori Russell of the Kenora District Alzhemers Society to see what was planned for Alzhemers awareness month (January). She showed us their Chocolate Cones that are now available at the TC throughout January for a $5 donation to the Alzhemers Society.

February is Heart and Stroke month - watch for that promotion coming soon!

We've got lots of ideas in store for the TC and the local community. Its an exciting place to be. But we know we don't have the corner on new ideas - we're looking for great suggestons from you folks too! Why not get engaged in making this winter season a memorable one - come on out and get involved with your community - you'll be glad you did!

The TC

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